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 Sujet du message: talking to
MessagePosté: Ven 22 Jan 2010 21:01 
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Inscription: Ven 22 Jan 2010 20:53
Messages: 5

I'm fairly new to this game, but I loved Atlantzone and was thrilled to hear about this one! I'm not really a gamer, but I love this point and click puzzle type games. So thank you for this!

My problem is with this talking to the spirits thing...I spoke to the Hopi chief and I think he means I have to go into the cave, but I can't find anyway to keep the torch lit...although I have a feeling that the pine tree would be useful in this capacity. I can't find anything to cut it with, though, even though I know I had a knife before which is gone since I used it to cut away the cardboard in the fireplace back in the house. I tried to combine the cloth I found with the torch, too, and that didn't work either...any hints would be most helpful and sincerely appreciated!!!

Thanks so much!

 Sujet du message: Re: talking to
MessagePosté: Ven 22 Jan 2010 21:09 
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Inscription: Jeu 24 Déc 2009 18:37
Messages: 1197
Hello Willowwhiten :coucou:
Haven't you seen something long and sharp at the Sioux campement ? :roll:
You may take it if... nobody is there watching you ;)

 Sujet du message: Re: talking to
MessagePosté: Ven 22 Jan 2010 21:14 
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Inscription: Ven 22 Jan 2010 20:53
Messages: 5
Oh my goodness!!

I didn't realize I could use it after I made the fishing rod!!

Complete genius...thank you so much! I was completely stuck!

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